Sheffield Index Page

Index Page

Sheffield Marriages in Southern States MARRIAGES
Sheffield Deeds from Early Co. GA.

Aaron Sheffield born 1779 SC
Absolm Sheffield 1846 GA
Adam Sheffield 1760 NC
Adam Sheffield 1764 NC
Adam Sheffield 1811
Alayda Sheffield, 1874 GA
Alice Sheffield, m. Radison D. Westbrook
Alvis C Sheffield 1834
Amelia Sheffield NC
Amelia Sheffield 1840 GA
Amos Austin Sheffield,1775
Ann Kathryn Sheffield, m. C. C. Milligen
Anne Hight Sheffield GA
Amos Austin Sheffield 1775 NC
Andrew Jackson Sheffield 1855 GA
Ann Jane Sheffield 1810 NC
Arcansas Sheffield on will
Arthur Sheffield born 1750 NC
Arthur Sheffield 1750 NC&TN
Arthur Sheffield (Brother)
Arthur Sheffield 1787 TN
Arthur Sheffield 1810 GA
Arthur Sheffield 1818
Augusta Sheffield 1842
Austin Sheffield, died 1816 GA
Arthur Fletcher Sheffield 1846 GA
Barbara Sheffield 1797 TN
Barbara Sheffield, 1822 GA
Barbara Boney Sheffield NC
Benjamin Sheffield 1832 GA
Betsy Sheffield 1795 TN
Bryant Sheffield born 1781 NC
Bryant Sheffield born 1784 SC
Bryant Sheffield 1816 TN
Bryant Arthur Sheffield 1821 GA
Camden Mason Sheffield 1841
Cardell Sheffield 1778 TN
Catherine Sheffield ca. 1772
Catherine Sheffield born 1793 GA
Catherine Sheffield 1804 NC
Chloe Sheffield 1825 GA
Chloe L Sheffield 1856
Council Allen Sheffield 1845 GA
Daniel Sheffield 1796 TN
Delia Sheffield, m. Leon Wingate
Delilah Sheffield, 1770 NC. m. John Burnside.
Della Sheffield
Drew Sheffield 1812 GA
Drew Sheffield 1835
Eleanor Sheffield 1798
Elenora Sheffield 1845
Elinor Sheffield 1840
Eliza Sheffield 1824 GA
Eliza J Sheffield 1846
Eliza Emily Sheffield 1831 GA
Elizabeth Sheffield 1826
Elizabeth Sheffield 1827 GA
Elizabeth Graddy Sheffield
Elizabeth J Sheffield 1846
Elizabeth West Sheffield
Elizabeth Sheffield 1814 GA
Elmira Sheffield 1830
Ephraim Sheffield born 1755 NC
Ephriam Hogan Sheffield 1791 TN
Everett Sheffield 1769 NC
Everette Sheffield NC
Everette Sheffield 1799
Everett Sheffield 1830 NC
Flora Sheffield born 1790 GA
Flora Eliza Sheffield 1831
Forbes Sheffield, 1899 FL
Frankie Sheffield, 1899, FL
Frederick Sheffield 1810
George Bryant Sheffield, 1882 FL
George W Sheffield 1820 AL
Georgia Jane Sheffield 1833
Hannah Sheffield born 1797
Harriett Sheffield 1837
Henry Sheffield 1825 NC
Henry Sheffield 1826 GA
Hugh Perry Sheffield, 1878 GA
Hope Sheffield 1843
Ina F. R. Sheffield, m. Sessions
Isaac Sheffield 1780
Isaac Byrd Sheffield 1824
Isaac Smith Coon Sheffield, 1866 FL
Isabella O. Sheffield 1838
Isham Sheffield born 1750 NC
Isham Sheffield born 1760 NC
Isham Sheffield born 1760 NC
Isham Sheffield, 1782 NC
Isham Sheffield 1784 NC
Isham Sheffield 1803 NC
Isham Sheffield 1808 NC
Isham Sheffield 1810 TN
Isham O Sheffield 1834
Isham R Sheffield 1815 GA
James Sheffield GA
Isom Otis Sheffield 1834
James Sheffield born TN
James Sheffield 1808
James Dudley Sheffield, 1876 FL
James Knox Sheffield, 1846 FL.
James M Sheffield 1815 GA
Jason Bryant Sheffield 1785 TN
Jennie Sheffield born 1800 NC
Jennie Goff Sheffield 1776 NC
Jepthy Sheffield GA
Jesse Sheffield 1827 AL
John Sheffield 1725 Duplin Co NC
John Sheffield 1727 Moore Co NC
John Sheffield 1764 Moore Co NC
John Sheffield 1772 NC
John Sheffield 1782 NC
John Sheffield 1803 NC
John Sheffield born 1804 GA
John Sheffield 1806 GA
John Sheffield 1814 NC
John Sheffield 1834
John Sheffield 1847 GA
John Boney Sheffield 1818 NC
John Sheffield 1799 TN
John C Sheffield born GA
John C Sheffield 1832 GA
John McDonough Sheffield, 1884 GA
John S Sheffield 1813
John S. L. Sheffield, m. M. Sandlin
John W. Sheffield, 1859 FL
John Y Sheffield 1852
Jonathan Sheffield 1830 GA
Joseph Sheffield
Joseph Sheffield 1833
Joseph Sealey Sheffield, 1850 FL
Joseph Sealey Sheffield, 1886 GA
Joshua Sheffield 1805 AL
Julia Susan Sheffield 1835 GA
Julia Sheffield 1836 GA
Julia Clifford Sheffield, 1856 FL
Lincoln Sheffield 1775 NC
Lincoln Lafayette Sheffield NC
Linnie Althea Sheffield, 1885 FL
Lisa Clifford Sheffield, m. C. H.Bagley
Louisa Sheffield married Thornton
Louise Sheffield ca. 1763 NC
Lucinda Sheffield 1813
Lucinda Sheffield, 1825 John H. Maddox
Lucinda Sheffield, 1848 FL
Lucretia Sheffield 1789 TN
Lucretia Sheffield 1820 TN
Lydia Sheffield NC
Lydia Sheffield, 1860 FL
Madison B Sheffield 1850
Martha Sheffield, b. 1777 m.David Groover
Martha W. Sheffield m. R. F. Polk
Marion Amorett Sheffield, m. Thomas S.Graham
Mary V. Sheffield, m. Sam Quincy
Marguerite Beverly Sheffield, m. Horace G. McLeroy
Mary Elizabeth Sheffield,1852 FL.
Martha W. Sheffield, 1854 FL.
Margaret Sheffield, 1785 m. Henry Bennett
Marlana Sheffield 1828 GA
Martha Sheffield 1824
Martha Eliz Randall Sheffield
Martha Sheffield GA
Martha Sheffield 1777 NC
Martha Sheffield 1805 TN
Martha Sheffield 1824 AL
Martha T Sheffield 1826
Mary Abbott Sheffield m. William Sheffield
Mary Sheffield 1778 NC
Mary Sheffield, 1789 m. John Hoover
Mary Sheffield 1793 TN
Mary Sheffield 1827 AL
Mary Sheffield NC
Mary Sheffield 1817 GA
Mary Sheffield 1836 GA
Mary Abbott Sheffield 1756 NC
Mary Hill Sheffield 1829 GA
Mary Jane Sheffield 1832
Mary L Sheffield 1854
Mary M Sheffield 1848
Mary West Sheffield 1828
Mildred Sheffield m. John Shivers
Mindy Martin Sheffield about 1825 NC
Nancy Sheffield 1756 NC
Nancy sheffield
Nancy Sheffield 1796 NC
Nancy Sheffield 1804 GA
Nancy Sheffield 1812 GA
Narcissus Sheffield 1835
Nathan Sheffield 1790-1846
Nathan Sheffield 1799
Nathaniel West Sheffield 1834 GA
Novenia Sheffield 1840
Paranthia Sheffield, m. Beck & Lock
Permelia Phillips Sheffield 1796
Permelia Sheffield 1823 GA
Permelia Sheffield c. 1838 GA
Plesant Sheffield 1802 GA
Pliny Sheffield 1787 SC
Pliny Sheffield 1839 GA
Polly Sheffield ca. 1766 NC
Polly M. Sheffield, 1807 KY. m Wilson White
Pricilla Sheffield 1842
R.W. Sheffield 1845 GA
Rachel Sheffield 1858 GA
Randall Sheffield born 1797 GA
Rebecca Sheffield 1835 AL
Relda Sheffield 1839 MS
Robert Sheffield Bute Co. NC
Robert Sherrod Sheffield 1850
Robert W Wynn Sheffield 1808 GA
Robert Winn Sheffield 1808
Sarah Sheffield 1815
Sarah Sirleter Sheffield 1829
Sarah Ann Sheffield 1828 GA
Sarah Ann Cook Sheffield 1806 GA
Sarah Davenport Sheffield 1793
Sarah E Sheffield 1837
Sarah R Sheffield 1858
Sarah Sheffield m. Wm Snipes
Satilla Sherrod Sheffield 1836
Sidnah Sheffield born 1776 SC
Sidney Ward Sheffield, 1862 FL
Silas Sheffield 1848 GA
Simeon Sheffield, 1826
Simeon Sheffield
Sherrod Sheffield born 1782 SC
Stephen Sheffield 1822 AL
Susan Mitchell Sheffield 1825 GA
Susan Sherrod Sheffield 1754
Sylvania Sheffield 1837
Tabitha Sheffield ca. 1774 NC
Thomas Sheffield 1845
Thomas Jefferson Sheffield, 1868 FL
Walter C Sheffield 1842
West Sheffield born 1747 NC
West Sheffield born 1747 NC
West Sheffield 1830 GA
West Randall Sheffield 1843
West W Sheffield 1820 GA
Westley Sheffield born NC
Westley Sheffield 1790 GA
Wright Sheffield born 1758 NC
Wright Sheffield 1818 GA
William Sheffield born 1754 NC
William Sheffield 1757
William Sheffield about1780
William Sheffield 1787 Burke Co GA
William Sheffield 1785 NC
William Sheffield 1795 NC
William Sheffield 1811
William G Sheffield 1813 GA
William Sheffield about 1833
Zachariah Sheffield 1824 GA
William Simeon Sheffield, 1870 GA

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