This page is for the Two John Sheffields of North Carolina. John of Duplin and John of Moore. They will be referred to as John of Duplin and John of Moore. Both John's were born the same time frame and had many children named the same name, especially the sons. Making the Sheffield descendants more difficult to sort and place.
This is an attempt to sort the early families
It is thought John of Duplin and John of Moore were from the Sheffields who were in Virginia, went into PA., and then into North Carolina, and believed to be cousins, their fathers being brothers.
Since the name Isham is used over and over it is certain there is a connection to the too the name of ISHAM. This is not to say their father's name was Isham, but believed to be from the maternal side in VA.
There was a Sheffield Plantation in Henrico Co. VA., a scant two miles away was the Isham family at the Berkley Hundred. This same group of Isham's and Sheffield's are thought to have gone into the Maryland area in the 1600's and 1700's, then down into North Carolina around Bertie and Bute Counties. This is where the two John seperated, or thought to have seperated. This is all a scenario, so far but logical. Do you as a Sheffield researcher have material that can add to this belief?
Any help on these Johns parents?
What records that can be found on both John will be used on this Sheffield page for everyone to use and share.
John Sheffield was born 13 December, 1725. Some DAR records state that John was born in Sheffield, Yorks England while other records indicate he was born in North Carolina. He died 18 December, 1790 in Duplin Co. NC. These dates were taken from DAR records.
DAR records state that John Sheffield was a Revolutionary Soldier and received land in GA., where he lived during the war. The dates are the same, but I believe this is another John who was in GA. However, the record is documented as John Sheffield born 1725, and list he was born in NC.
John of Duplin was the father of at least twelve children, by his two wives. His first wife's name has not been proven and many researchers has attached Elizabeth West as the first wife. This may be true but no marriage record has been found. A lot of material on this family has been printed and circulated, so far there is a lot of speculation. The second marriage of John can be proven by his marriage dated 29 September, 1779 to Elizabeth Grady.
John may have lived in Virginia, but soon migrated to North Carolina,
and settled in Duplin Co., where he died. However some DAR lineage state he was born in NC.
William Sheffield , born about 1750
Bryan Sheffield, born 1752 NC
Ephrain Sheffield, born 1755 NC, died 1835 Todd KY
Arthur Sheffield
West Sheffield
Wright Sheffield, died 1854 in Madison, FL.
Isham Sheffield,
Nancy Sheffield
Louisa Sheffield
Polly Sheffield
Catherine Sheffield
Tabitha Sheffield
Will of John Sheffield of Duplin Co. NC
Book A, page 427, Duplin Co, NC
In the name of God, Amen. I John Sheffield of the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina, Planter, being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory and calling into mind the mortality of the Body the shortness of life and certainty of death, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, viz Imprimius.
First of all, I recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it me and my body to the dust to be buried at discretion of my Executors hereafter named. And as for the worldly good as it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose of them as followeth.
Item, I give and bequeath to my sonEPHRIAM SHEFFIELD 80 acres of land including the plantation he lives on and being part of a tract of 250 acres I bought of Thomas Gray and lying on the third and fourth lines of the patent to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my sonWILLIAM SHEFFIELD acres of land joining the piece I give Ephriam including part of the North Carolina Pecoson and lying on the fourth and fifth lines of the patent both pieces, that is to say Ephriams and Williams to be laid out with the advice and assistance of my Executors to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. The residue and remainder of my lands together with the plantation I live on I leave to my beloved wife ELIZABETH SHUFFIELD during her natural life or widowhood and after her decease or future marriage my will is that the same that is the whole remainder of my lands to be sold and the money arrising from such sale to be equally divided between my sons WRIGHT SHEFFIELD, ISHAM SHEFFIELD, BRYAN SHEFFIELD, WEST SHEFFIELD, ARTHUR SHEFFIELD and my wife's sonWILLIAM GRADY, share and share alike.
Item. My future will and desire is that my young sorrell mare be sold at months credit and the money arrising from such sale to be divided equally between my daughters, NANCY SCREWS, LOUISA, POLLY, CATHERINE SHEFFIELD and TABITHA SHEFFIELD share and share alike, the shares of the younger ones to be kept at interest at the descretion of my Executors until they come of age or marry.
The residue and remainder of my personal estate consisting of stock of every kind, household kitchen and plantation tools of every kind I leave to my said beloved wife Elizabeth during her natural life or widowhood and she raising and schooling my younger children on the same and after her decease the same to be sold and the money divided between my sons Wright, Isham, Bryan, West, Arthur, my wife's son, William Graddy and my daughters Nancy, Louisa, Polly, Catherine and Tabitha, but in case of my wife's marriage, my will is that the
sale and division immediately commence she having a child part and in that case my executors to take care of the younger children part in this minority.
Lastly, I hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friend Francis Oliver and Levin Watkins to execute this last Will and Testament hereby revoking and disannulling all former wills declaring this to be my last Will and Testament. In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
John Shuffield
Signed, sealed and witnessed, published and declared by the said John
Shuffield as his last Will and Testament this 22nd day of November 1790 in presence of Francis Oliver, Levin Watkins and William Harris.
Notice in the will William Grady my wife's son! This is an important factor in seperating the two Ishams.
Isham Sheffield 1760 son of John was living in Laurens Co. GA., in 1815 as was William Grady. Isham made a deed dated 9 June, 1815 to William Grady conveying 48 3/4 acres of land in Duplin Co. and being a part of a 293 acre tract devised him by his father, John Sheffield. Deed Book D page 120 Laurens Co. GA.
John Sheffield born 1727 in PA? died about 1796 in Moore Co. He was a Revolutionary War Veteran, and served from Moore Co.
John married about 1748 to Hannah whose surname is thought to be Melton or Smith. Hannah was born about 1730 and died after 1799 (see land grant below) in Moore Co, NC. and considered to be the daughter of Robert and JoHanna Smith of Hanover County, VA. or Robert Melton of VA.
The will of John Sheffield was dated December 6, 1794, and proven February 1796 in Moore County, NC. The will was witnessed by Avert Smith, John Sheffield and Isam Sheffield. Named as executors were Hannah and Avert Smith. Avert Smith was one who ordered the will recorded.
Known children of John and Hanna Sheffield:
1. David Sheffield
2. John Sheffield
3. Elizabeth Sheffield married a Mr. Autry
4. Hannah Sheffield married a Mr. Maneyard
5. Lucretia Sheffield married a Mr. Dunn
6. Lydia Sheffield
7. Mildred "Milly" Sheffield Adam Carpenter
8. Rebecca Rachel Sheffield
9. Sarah Sheffield may have married a Mr. Dennis
10 Mark Sheffield born about 1749
11 Isham Sheffield
12 Mary Sheffield born 17 December, 1759 and died 11 May, 1862 married Isaac Dunn
13 Adam Sheffield born about 1760 NC and died 1844 in Benton Co, AL.Adam Sheffield
14 Everett Sheffield 1769
This name Everett/Everitt/Averitt/Averet could be from the Smith name Averet. The John of Duplin did not use the Everett name, making it certain the name came from Hannah's family, Smith or Melton.
The will of John Sheffield of Moore, NC
John Sheffield’s Will (dated 6 Dec 1794/proven February 1796)
In the name of God Amen. The sixth day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety four I John Sheffield of Moore County & State of North Carolina being by decay of nature unwell but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God, for the same therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die and after death to judgement, I do hereby leave bequeath and dispose of my Goods and chattels in manner and form following that is to say I commit my body to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the discretion of my executors and likewise my soul into the hand of God, that gave it, knowing that after death I shall come to judgement and as to my worldly affairs I leave bequeath and give in manner and form following that is to say principally and first of all, I leave and bequeath to my well beloved wife HANNAH SHEFFIELD, the plantation whereon I now do live with the buildings, orchards and improvements thereon with one hundred acres of Land, during her widowhood with all my stock & cattle (mpremise?).
I leave and bequeath to my son MARK SHEFFIELD one shilling sterling.
Item I leave and bequeath to my son JOHN SHEFFIELD one shilling sterling.
I leave and bequeath to my son ADAM SHEFFIELD one hundred acres of land lying on the Rattle Snake branch.
Item I leave and bequeath to my son ISHAM SHEFFIELD, the land and plantation whereon he now lives containing one hundred acres.
Item I leave and bequeath to my son AVERIT SHEFFIELD the land and plantation whereon I do now live to enjoy after his mothers deceased containing one hundred acres.
Item I leave to my daughter SARAH DENNIS one shilling sterling.
Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter MARY DUNN one shilling sterling.
Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter LUCRETIA DUNN one shilling sterling.
Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter REBEKAH AWTERY one shilling sterling.
Item I leave and bequeath to my daughter ELIZABETH AWTERY one shilling sterling and my two youngest daughters LYDDAand MILLY SHEFFIELDI leave and bequeath one shilling sterling to each and as to my goods and chattels stock etc. I leave for support of my beloved wife HANNAH SHEFFIELD during her life then to dispose of the same acknowledging tis and no other to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto, set my hand and affixed my seal
the and year above written.
Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Who in the presence of each other saw the same JOHN SHEFFIELD SENR assigned the same
(signed) (signed) Avert Smith (his mark) JOHN SHEFFIELD (his mark) ISAM SHEFFIELD (his mark)hereby appoint AVERT (Sheffield - but with SHEFFIELD crossed out) SMITH and my wife HANNAH SHEFFIELD Executors of this my last will and testament. Windsor Pierce (his signature)
(looks like) Moore County February 1796
The above will was duly proved in open court by the (_____?) of
Avert Smith and Widsor Pierce and ordered to be recorded.
Sheffield, Grants---Book 1---page 349
No. 1467. Know ye that we have granted unto ISOM (Isham) SHEFFIELD fifty acres of land in Moore County. North of Bear Creek . Beginning at a post oak David Allison corner, running thence south thirty five degrees West, twelve chains and fifty links, to the line of his one hundred acres, having a pine, post oak, and dogwood pointers, thence south sixty eight degrees East, thirty one chains to a [white?] said to be in HANNAH SHEFFIELDs line, thence as the said line north three degrees West, twenty two chains, thence north eighty seven degrees East, forty four chains and seventy five links, thence south three degrees East, ten chains, thence north eighty seven degrees East eight chains, thence North three degrees West eleven chains and forty links, thence direct to the beginning 50 hold to the said ISOM SHEFFIELD, his heirs and assigns forever.
dated the 6th of December 1799
Will White, Secretary