Isahm Sheffield born 1760 Duplin Co. North Carolina and died 1827 in Early Co. Georgia.
Isham was the son of John Sr of Duplin Co. Mother's name unknown.
Isahm can be seperated from the Isham of 1750 Duplin as that Isham died in the Revolutionary War and proven by his grandson, Thomas Armstrong. See his family page.Isham 1750
Some researchers state there is an initial "S" in the Isham name and is thought to be Samuel but lacking in proof. This Isham is going to be referred to as the Isham of 1760.
Isham applied for a land grant in 1805 in the Georgia Lottery. This was shortly after his marriage. He lived in Laurens Co. and was named to work on roads in that County, in 1808.
From the descendants of Isham is stated he married Elizabeth Jane Roberts of Virginia. She was born 5 December, 1778 and died 18 October, 1873 in Sowhatchee, Early Co. GA. Elizabeth was the daughter of Drew Roberts Sr who died about 1820 in Jefferson Co. GA. and wife, Rachel Douglas.
After the death of Isham the widow was left with several small children. She continued to live in Early Co. GA. and remained there until her death in 1873.
1850 Census of Early Co. GA.
Household 55 Page 298 Elizabeth the Mother and widow of Isham. She is living alone and listed as 70 years of age.
Household 1 Robert W(Wynn) SON of Isham page 295
Household 50 William Bush and Mary DAUGHTER of Isham
Household 53 Wesley SON of Isham page 298
Household 55 Elizabeth widow of Isham and mother of children
Household 287 Joseph W Lane and Chloe, DAUGHTER of Isham
Household 314 Arthur SON of Isham
Household 322 Patience widow of Drew SON of Isham
Household 323 Isham R son (listed as Isham R.) SON of Isham
Household 353 Etheldred Hays and Nancy DAUGHTER of Isham
This accounts for the children of Isham of 1760 except for John and Elizabeth. There is a John listed in Lumpkin Co. GA., with Lucretia this could be the JOHN. Elizabeth married William W. Wilson and listed on the 1850 census in Gasden Co. FL., a County on the Florida/Georgia state line. Isham may have had a daughter Clarissa who died young and before the will was made.
All of Elizabeth's children are near her, with the exception of John.
The will of Isham states that his wife Elizabeth receive certain items as long as widowhood. Elizabeth never remarried.
The 1860 census of Early Co. list Elizabeth in the house with her son, Arthur in household 163. She is listed as being 82 years of age while Arthur is listed as 50.
Thanks to Iva Davis Rutledge a descendant of Isham who typed out the will from a copy of the original and willingly donated to share with others.
State of Georgia
Early County
Know all men by these presents that I, Isham Sheffield of the State and County aforesaid being weak of body and knowing that it is affirmed for all men to die, do constitute this my last Will and Testament. The manner herein after as presented is therefore the manner which I desire and direct my property to be disposed of, to wit.
Item 1st I resign my Soul to Him who gave it.
Item 2nd After my funeral expenses and Just debts are paid I wish the following distributions to take place between my wife Elizabeth and our children to wit. To my said wife I give a tract of land containing two hundred fifty acres lying on Spring Creek in the Twenty eighth District of the County aforesaid Number Twenty two, or the tract of land on which I am now living as my best suit her. Also a Negro woman named Patience and her child named Tom likewise. One hundred head of cattle and fifty head of good choice hogs out of my stock, also one sorrel mare called Nell. The above named property my said wife is only to enjoy during widowhood and good behavior or in case she does not marry, then during life and good behavior. And immediately after her death or marriage or misbehavior, I give and bequeath the said named property with the exception thereof to my son West and my daughter Chloe Sheffield thru her executors administrative and assigns in fee simple.
Item 3rd I wish and direct that all stock of cattle except such as my said Wife take to be collected together and also all my stock of hogs except such as I have given to my wife and after the hogs and cattle are collected and brought to the house where I am now living I wish them sold at Twelve months. But should my children choose to have the cattle and hogs divided off among them I wish my Executor hereafter named to divide them instead of selling them as aforesaid. I wish all my notes that I have now on hand collected as soon as can be. I also wish my horses to be sold in the same manner as my hogs and cattle are directed to be. I likewise wish all my land sold by my said Executor on the same terms that my cattle are directed to be sold or they can sell it for cash on good terms or rather on reasonable terms. I wish my Executors to call on the Receiver of tax returns to be informed of the quantity and numbers of my tracts of land after the property and aforesaid to wit. Cattle, hogs, notes and land is converted into money I wish it put with what money I have now on hand and equally divided among my children to wit Nancy, John, Robert W.W., Arthur, Drew, Elizabeth, Isham and Mary Sheffield, also West and Cloa Sheffield; I wish however that such of my children as have had land from me to reserve as much ---than the rest as the land which they have now is worth, or rather was worth at the time I gave it to them. I wish also my stock of sheep and my yoke of oxen to be disposed of in the same way of my cattle and the hogs and thereof to be put with the proceeds of my cattle and etc.
I wish the sale which I have herein above spoken of to be at public outcry. I appoint Richard Spann and Julius Weaver of the County and State aforesaid my Executors to carry this Will into effect. I also wish my household furniture and farming utensils except a good bed and bedding therefore to be sold with the rest of my property. The bed and bedding which I have just excepted and give and bequeath to my said wife and my son West and Daughter Cloa in the same manner that they receive the other property which I have given them. I likewise wish all the residue of my property to be disposed of in the same manner and with my cattle, hogs, etc. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 22nd day of January in the year of Christ One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty Seven 1827.
1. Nancy born about 1804 married Etheldred Hays
2. JohnSheffield born about 1806 married Lucretia Studstill
3. Robert W Wynn Sheffieldborn 4 July, 1808 married Mary Brown Mosley
4. Arthur Sheffield born about 1810 may have married Rhoda
5. Drew Sheffield born about 1812 married Patience Fulgham
6. Elizabeth born about 1814 married Wm W. Wilsonand in 1856 John C. Butler
7. Isham R. Sheffield born 5 January 1815 married Martha Rice Lane
8. Mary born 1817 married William Bush, son of James
9. WestSheffield born about 1820 married Elizabeth Widner
10 Chloe born 24 March 1825 married Joseph W. Lane
The Bainbridge Weekly Democrat, November 13, 1873, V. 3, #5
Died. On the evening of the 18th of October, at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Chloe Lane, in this county, Mrs. Elizabeth Sheffield, aged 94 years, 10 months, and 13 days.
She was born December 05, 1778. She leaves 3 sons, 4 daughters, 23
grandsons, 21 granddaughters, 71 great grandsons, 60 great grand daughters, 5 great great grandsons, and 5 great great granddaughters to mourn her loss.
Four sons, 22 grandsons, 13 grand daughters, 15 great grandsons, 6 great granddaughters had died before her.
She had one son, 24 grandsons, and 1 great grandson in the Confederate Army. Of these, one grandson was killed, 8 died in service, 2 lost a leg each, 3 were severely wounded, and one slightly wounded.
Mrs. Sheffield moved from Pulaski to this county in the year 1819. We are indebted to Mr. W. C. Sheffield, one of her grandsons, for the above information in regard to the deceased.--Blakely News.
John Josiah C. Sheffield born 1806 GA., married Lucretia Studstill born 1810.
Lucretia is listed on the 1860 Census for Miller County, Georgia. Listed in the household was:
Sheffield, Josiah J. age 25, Clerk
Sheffield, Lucresia (Studstill) age 50
Sheffield, I.H. (male)
Miller County was formed in 1856 from part of Early County.
Lucretia may have been widowed in 1860 as she was living with her sons Josiah, Jr., Isham H. and William S. H. John Josiah Jr. was the Miller County Treasurer 1862-64.
John Josiah Sheffield and Isham H. Sheffield are CSA, Company E, 55th Regiment, Ga. Vol. Inf., Army of Tennessee, "Miller Wildcats"