Willis probably died between 1870 and 1880 as he is not listed on the census. Willis lived in the part of Cherokee that fell into Etowah Co. when it was partly created from Cherokee in 1868.
The known children of Willis and Nancy were:
Lucinda Taylor born 1836 AL
Frederick Taylor born 1837 AL
William Taylor born 1840 AL
Mary Taylor born 1842 AL
Joseph Taylor born 1844 AL
Jerusha Taylor born 1847 AL
Willis Taylor born 1849 AL
Frederick H. Taylor, son of Willis born 1837 and died 2 May, 1912 in Tuscaloosa Co. AL He first married Melicia Breeden/Breaden daughter of James Breeden an Irishman and his wife an Cherokee Indian woman and had five known children.
Frederick was a Confederate Soldier with the Company A, 31st Alabama Infantry. He enlisted in 1862 and served for three years. He was wounded at the Battle of Missionary Ridge in GA. He received a pension for his service.
He made application from Tuscaloosa Co. AL., stating he lived in that County. It appears that Frederick may have married twice as his widow applies for a widow’s pension in July, 1912 and signs her name as S.E. Taylor.
Children of Frederick and Melicia:
1. Sarah Taylor born 1861 AL
2. Caroline Taylor born 1863 AL married Thomas Clemmens
3. William Wiley Taylor born 1870 AL, died 1957 Jackson Co. MS
4. Mary D. Taylor born 1873 AL.
5. George Willis Taylor born 1874 did 1953 Jackson Co. MS
William Wiley Taylor, son of Frederick married Maude Alice Elkins. She was born about 1870 MS., and died 12 April, 1958 Jackson Co. She was the daughter of John "Jack" Elkins.
Mary D. Taylor, daughter of Frederick married Samuel Elkins brother to Maude that married Mary’s brother William. Sam was born 1871 and died May, 1913. Sam and Mary had five children. After the death of Sam she married William Stutts. No children.
No birth dates of children, just the names.
1. John Elkins
2. Melicia Elkins
3. Nellie Elkins
4. Evan Elkins
5. Jack Elkins