Roberts Family Index Page


Alfred Roberts b. 1846 MS
Almyra Roberts 1837-1914 MS
Ann Roberts m. James Culbreath
Ashley G Roberts 1834 GA
Burrell Roberts 1809
Catherine Roberts 1862-1941 MS.
Celia Roberts.
Charles G Roberts 1811 GA
Chloe Roberts 1831 GA
Clarissa Roberts 1825
David M. Roberts 1745 VA.
Drewry Roberts VA
Drewry Roberts Sr
Drewry Roberts Jr 1778
Drewry M Roberts 1832 GA
Elizabeth Roberts
Elizabeth Roberts 1818 GA
Elizabeth Jane Roberts 1778 VA
Ellen Roberts 1841 MS.
Elmer Roberts 1900
Fred Roberts 1898
Henry Roberts
Henry J Roberts 1816
Horace E. Roberts 1902
Irven Roberts 1838 -1915 MS.
James Roberts b. NC
James E. Roberts 1859
James G. Roberts 1832-1910 MS.
James Madison Roberts 1819
Jane Roberts
Jesse Roberts
John Roberts 1771 NC-1821 GA.
John W. Roberts 1880 MS
Josiah Roberts b. NC.
Joseph Roberts
Joseph Roberts 1750 NC-1805 GA
Lewis Roberts born MS.
Louise Roberts 1833-1878 MS.
Lydia Roberts
Lyman Roberts 1850-1920 MS
Malinda Roberts 1836-1872 MS.
Mary Jane Roberts b. MS.
Minnie G. Roberts 1882
Missouri Roberts 1852 MS
Missouri Roberts 1895
Nancy Ann Roberts 1813
Penelope Roberts 1829 GA
Quitman C. Roberts 1889
Rachel Roberts 1821
Richard Roberts 1783 NC-1832 MS.
Samuel J. Roberts 1886
Shadrack Roberts
Temperance Roberts 1828 GA
Thomas J. Roberts 1811 GA.1886 AL.
Thomas Q. Roberts 1855-1910 MS
Wiley Roberts b. NC.
Wiley Roberts 1840 MS.
Willis Roberts
Zuma V. Roberts 1893

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