Henry Thacker

Henry Thacker, married Eltonhead Conway, daughter of Edwin Conway and wife Martha Eltonhead. The children of Henry and Eltonhead and their birth are recorded in Middlesex County Virginia registar as follows;

1. Henry born 9 August, 1663
2. Edward or Edwin born January 7, 1665 married Frances ??
3. Martha born December 5, 1667 and married 18 December 1683 to Thomas Hickman.
4. Lettice born February 27, 1669.
5. Alice born 30 December, 1671; married 31 May, 1688 William Gough of New Kent.
6. Chicley Corbin born January 4, 1673.

Henry Thacker died a short time after this, and his widow married William Standard, by whom she had;

7. Eltonhead Standard born 2 September, 1678.
8. Sarah Standard born 12 July, 1680.
9. William Standard born 15 February 1682

Mrs. Eltonhead Standard departed this life 28 October 1689.

Henry Thacker Jr. married by 1690 to Elizabeth Payne, daughter of Ann Walker and her first husband, John Payne, Jr. Ann Walker was the daughter of Colonel John Walker a member of the Virginia Council, and Sarah Fleet.(SEE HIS WILL) Ann Walker Payne married secondly to William Dangerfield.

Hayden's Virginia Genealogies say the first Henry Thacker was
probably the son of Richard Thacker. Eltonhead Conway was the
daughter of Edwin Conway, third Clerk of Northampton County and first of his name in Virginia, and Martha Eltonhead, daughter of
Richard Eltonhead (1582-1664) and Ann Sutton.


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