Solomon was born 3 December, 1752 in Prince Edward Co. VA. His parents were not given.
He did not state when he moved to NC. but he was a resident of Surry Co. NC,. He enlisted sometime in 1776 and served as a Private under Richard Gol's Co. and Col. James Williams of NC. He served on tours subequently against Tory's in NC.
About the close of the war Solomon moved to GA. and resided there four or five years. Then moved to South Carolina where he resided for seventeen years, thence to TN., where he remained for three years. From TN., he moved to AL and resided ten years, and afterwards returned to TN.
He was allowed a pension excuted 20 November, 1832. At this time he resided in Marion Co. TN. The soldier referred to the "situation of his family" during the time of his service in the war, but did not state any names.
According to the book "Stone Connections" by Robert H. Stone, Solomon died in 1839. Only one son is known at this time.
1. Noble Stone, born about 1800 probably SC. He married Mary Simmons first and then Nancy Crow who went to AR. in 1861 and died in 1863.
Children of Noble Stone:
a. Berry Stone died in Newton Co. AR.
b. Ashley Greene Stone died young.
c. Abraham Stone a Confederate Soldier died in TN.
d. Solomon Stone died 1893 in TX.
e. John Stone born 1829, married Elizabeth McCord in 1832.
f. William Stone lived in MO.
g. Ruth Stone married Obediah Havner and died in TN.
h. Irene Stone married Solomon Grass and died in TN.
i. Elizabeth Stone married John Blizzard land died in TN.
j. Jane Stone married George Tedford and lived in Montgomery Co. AR.
k. Lucy Stone married Timothy M. Turner and lived in MO.
John Stone son of Solomon moved from AL. to Marion Co. TN. with his parents. Then in 1853 went to Boone Co. AR. by ox team, a six week trip. He lived near Lead Hill. John served 2 years in the Confederate Army, became sick while in service near Clarksville, AR. and in 1864 due to sickness returned home. He later went to MO. He had several children only two reached adulthood.
1. Mary Ann Stone married Mordaci Lovelady.
2. James W. Stone who lived in Texas.
Can you help with this Stone family?
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