George Sandell of Orangeburg, South Carolina and died in Pike Co. Mississippi

George Sandell

Son of Peter and Magdalena Sandell

George Henry Sandell was born 7 August, 1755 in Orangeburgh District, South Carolina. He died in Pike Co. MS.

The Sandell-Sandell family Bible of Rev. Peter Sandell

George was the son of Immigrant John Peter Sandall who was born in Germany and settled in the Orangeburg District of South Carolina in 1752. George arrived in Charles Town, SC., on the John and Mary ship which had sailed from Rotterdam.

George married Mary Catherine Nobles in South Carolina. George brought his family to the Mississippi Territory about 1808. There is no mention of George receiving a passport from the Governor to venture westward through Creek Indian lands.

Once in Pike Co. they lived there the remainder of their lives. They lived around the Felder families.

George and Catherine had five known children.

1. Daniel Sandell born 23 February, 1792 Orangeburg District, and died 13 December, 1879. He married twice, Charity E. Corley and Sarah Martin.

2. Elizabeth Sandell born 1794 married John Felder

3. George Henry Felder 11, born 23 november, 1796 SC. He may have died in Louisiana.
4. Darius Sandell born 1800 SC., died 1859 Sabine Parish, LA. He married Louisa Thompson.
5. Peter Warren Sandell born about 1804 SC.

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