
John Pigott

South Carolina and Georgia

John Pigott! John was born about 1758 in Cheraws District South Carolinal. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Pigott.

John Married Martha Warren about 1778 in South Carolina as their first child was born there. Sometime about the early too mid 1780’s he moved to Liberty Co. Georgia where he died 27 May, 1822.

His widow, Martha and children moved to Marion County, Mississippi where her family was located. Martha was born about 1758 and died in Marion Co. She was the daughter of John Warren Sr and wife Martha Dubose.

Seven known children:

1. John Pigott born about 1779. The only child to be born in South Carolina.

2. Martha Pigott born about 1786 Liberty Co. GA. She married 23 November, 1815 in Liberty Co. to Ezell Stogner. Martha died sometime around 1865 in Marion Co.

3. Judith Pigott born 1794 Liberty Co. GA. married twice; Jesse Croft and Elias Cassels.

4. Nathaniel Pigott born 21 October, 1796 Liberty Co. GA. and died about 1845 in Washington Parish, LA. Nathaniel married 26 May, 1824 in Marion Co. to Mary Ann Pounds.

5. Elizabeth Pigott born 1798 Liberty Co. GA. married 21 October, 1817 in Liberty Co. to William Scott.

6. Rebecca Pigott born 1801 Liberty Co. GA., Fleet McGee

7. Thomas Pigott born 1804 Liberty Co. GA., died 31 March, 1866 Marion Co. MS. He was married too Martha Charlotte Fortenberry and Nancy Jane Blackwell

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