Jeremiah Pierce
Of Mobile County ALabama

Jeremiah (Monroe?) "Jerrie" Pierce, Sr. born about 1783 North Carolina and believed to have died in Mobile Co., AL., and buried at the old Pierce Creek Cemetery.

He married 20 November 1805 in Oglethorpe Co., GA., to Nancy McLain or (McClain). She was born about 1790 in GA., and died before 1855. She is buried in Pierce Creek Cemetery, which is located on the Tanner Williams Road in Mobile County. Part of her tombstone is missing.

It is said that Jeremiah Pierce came to AL., in a high top buggy. If he married in Georgia then he came from that State to AL.

Jeremiah is found on the 1790 and 1800 census of North Carolina in Bertie Precinct. This only left five years for him to move from North Carolina to Georgia and marry there.

It appears he stayed in Mobile for a while, then left for Mississippi, but later returned to Mobile by 1850 as he is on the Census in Moble.

1850 Census of Mobile Co. AL. House # 598

John son of Jeremiah
John Pierce 40 AL.
Rachel Pierce 38 AL
William Pierce 18 AL
Enis? Pierce 17 AL
Irving Pierce 15 AL
Martha Pierce 12 AL
Sarah Pierce 10 AL

Living next door in household 599 is:

Jeremiah Pierce 67 NC
Nancy Pierce 50 GA (Mclain)
William Pierce 13 AL
Franklin Pierce 07 AL

1. William Pierce, born 1806 GA., married Elizabeth Davis, born 1804 GA.
2. John Pierce born 1808 GA.
3. Thomas Pierce born 1810 GA., married Adeline McKinsey 5 February, 1833 Moible Co. AL. and (2) Catherine Holcombe 1843

4. George W. Pierce about 1813 AL., married Tomzil Stringfellow, Mobile Co. 9 October, 1843
5. Silas Pierce born 13 November, 1815, married Mary Ann Stringfellow
6. David Pierce
7. Eliza Pierce
8. Sarah Ann Pierce married Brinkley Browning
9. Jeremiah born 1823 AL., married Susanna Williams 17 June, 1845 AL.
10 Betsy Ann Pierce married Willis Page, Moible; 10 January, 1833
11 Nancy Pierce born about 1828 married James Davis, 1844
12 Tempie Pierce born about 1830 married Rev. John Griffin in 1849 Mobile Co.
13 Ezekiel W. Pierce born about 1833 MS., married Harriett Hunt in 1852 Mobile Co.

John Pierce
Son of Jeremiah Pierce

John Pierce was born 1808 in GA., and died about 1859/60. He married Rachel Stringfellow born 1815 Flat, NC.

1. Lewis M. Pierce born 15 April, 1835 AL., died 1 March, 1902 AL.

2. William Pierce
3. James Irvin Pierce, born 4 May, 1837 and died 1 June, 1923. He married Mary Ann Rester

4. Sarah Ann Pierce married Frances R. Williams

Silas Pierce
Son of Jeremiah Pierce

Silas Pierce, born 3 November, 1815 GA.? died August 3, 1895 AL. He married 10 July, 1839 Mobile Co., to Mary Ann Stringfellow, born 25 December, 1818 FL., and died 2 February, 1908. Both are buried in Palestine Baptist Church Cemetery.

Their Children are:

1. Sarah Ann Pierce born 11 July, 1840 AL., died 31 August, 1933 Semmes, AL. She married Floyd Pierce

2. Tempie M. Pierce, born 6 January, 1845 AL., died 27 July, 1930 AL. married Perry Washington Allen

3. Jeremiah H. Pierce born 15 February, 1847 AL., died 10 January, 1918 Semmes, AL.

4. George W. Pierce, born 3 January, 1848 AL., died 18 February, 1918.

5. Silas W. Pierce, born 1849 Semmes, AL.
6. James A. Pierce born 1849 Semmes, AL.
7. John Pierce born 1852 Semmes, AL.
8. Nancy M. Pierce born 1855 Semmes, AL.
9. Mary Sylvanta Pierce, born 1857 Semmes, AL.
10 Catherine Pierce born 1859 Semmes, AL.

Pierce researchers:

Leslie Pierce Royce
Joe Pierce of Texas
Kathy Williams of South Carolina

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