The entire will is not given.
Copy from will book page 527, Bladen County ,North Carolina. November the 11th, 1769.
In the name of God amen. I Mary Lamb being very sick and weak in body, but in perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for the same.
The land containing 200 acres to be sold and money to be equally divided between, Jacob Lamb and Isaac Lamb.
I give to Joshua Lamb one shilling sterling.
I give to Mary S.Kemper one shilling sterling
I give to Thomas Lamb one shilling sterling
I give to Absalom Lamb one shilling sterling
I give to Rachel Davis one shilling sterling
I give to Patience Carter one shilling sterling
Last I do appoint Jacob and Issac Lamb my sole Executors after my deceased.
In witness my hand and seal as above written.
In presence of us Jessie Pittman and Needham Lamb.
Her mark, Mary X Lamb