Simon Cumbest was born about 1755 in Virginia. He died intestate 12
March, 1820 in Moss Point, MS. He is probably buried in a family burial
plot on his water front property.
His father, Thomas Combest and wife Elizabeth Stone Combest lived in the
Carolina's and thought to be the Orangeburg District where one Thomas is
buying land. Thomas may have gone to Spanish East Florida with his son
In 1783 Simon was listed in the Spanish Census and listed as living on the St. Mary River. He avails of Spanish protection with will undecided. He was a bachelor and native of Virginia. He was a carpenter and had a horse. He did not own any land or home. His name was spelled COMBEST and sixteen years later the O was not closed and it became CUMBEST.
One reason for Simon living in Spanish East Florida and on the St. Mary River, because he was a loyalist. He is listed as a Loyalist in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War. Simon, deserted 9 May, 1780 from West Florida Royal Foresters, Captain Adam Chrisite's Co. Out of thirty two men in the Company, 23 of them deserted.
In 1799 Simon made claim for a Spanish land grant, on the Pascagoula
River. He removed from the St. Augustine, Florida to the North Gulf
Coast. This is where he lived the remainder of his life.
In order for Simon to live south of the thirty-first parallel and retain his land holding and other possession, he had to take oath of Allegiance to the King of Spain and the Catholic Church. Being Simon took the oath he was Catholic as were his children, and being the reason for their baptismal being of record.
Simon probably married in Spanish East Florida. His wife was Mary Eliza-beth, but the Graham family Bible listed her name as Mary Eve. This was true but spelling was incorrect, it was Maria Heva. One could under stand the EVA for HEVA. Her name was Maria Heva Kop. This was taken from the Baptismal records.
For more on the history of Simon Cumbest, see the book;" Simon Cumbest and Allied Families" by Melba Goff Allen (email below).
Children of Simon and wife Eva Cumbest
1. Elizabeth Cumbest born 1790 Spanish Florida
If you have information on this family, I would like to hear
from you.
2. John Henry Cumbest born 1792 Spaish Florida
3. Sarah Cumbest, born 1795 Spanish Florida
4. Catherine Cumbest, born 1797 Spanish Florida
5. Jethroe Cumbest, born 1799 Spanish Florida
6. Simon Antoine Cumbest, born 1804 Spanish Florida. Simon died 7
November, 1883 in Nevada Co. CA. At the resident of Mrs. Lewis
Hortens'. Was this a relative? The Cumbest's in California
descend from James of Georgia.