John Combest 313 acres Orangeburg District on Taylors Branch of Buckhead
Creek bounded by Mrs. Collins, A. Debardelabin, Wm. Bull and Isaac Huger
andF Mrs. White. 1 September 1794 by William Moutrie
John Combest 306 acres Ninety Six District on the Waters of Little Saluda River, on a branch called Beaver Dam, bounded by lands held by Thomas Williams, Vacant land, Fairchild, and land called Fairchilds big survey. 5 February 1798 by Charles Pinckney
The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research
Page 363-364: An appraisement of the Estate of John Combest Taken and made the 17th Day of Sepember 1786, Total £ 50 8 4. Certified by us Michael Dickson, James Bishop, Robert Morrison. Who is this John Combest?
Simon Cumbest had a brother John who was in Alabama and this John
is thought to be the brother.
John Combest had four cash entry sales dating from 1821 to 1835. All were in the Township 17 North, and in Section 12, 11 and 5 and in Range 8 East and 9 East.