
John C. Bush

Son of William Hardy Bush

John Council Bush Sr. born 21 June 1752 in Craven Co. NC. and died in Wilkes Co. GA 10 April, 1805 in Wilkes Co. GA. He was a Lt. in the Revolutionary War.

John was the son of William Hardy Bush and wife Catherine Franck.

John C. married 16 March, 1779 in Johnston Co. NC., to Susannah Bryan, daughter of William Bryan and wife Elizabeth Smith, in Johnston City NC. She was born 20 November, 1762 in Johnston City NC. Susannah died 27 June, 1841 in Talbot Co. GA.

Lt.John Council Bush, was living in Jones Co. NC., and removed to Wilkes Co., GA. He was Justice of Wilkes Co., GA.

Children of John and Susanna are:

1. Mary "Polly" Bush, born and died 1780 Jones Co., N.C.

2. William Bush, born 21 December, 1781, Jones Co. and died 26 April, 1789, Wilkes Co. GA.

3. John C. Bush Jr, born 1 April, 1783, NC., died 2 October, 1813 Laurens Co., GA.
4. Mary Bush, born 1785 Wilkes Co., GA., died 1850, Wilkes Co. She married a Mr. Gibson/Gipson.

5. Elizabeth Bush, born 1787 Wilkes Co., died 1845 Union Co., AR. She married James Tooke.

6. Polly Bryan Bush, born 11 June, 1788 Wilkes Co. and died 31 October, 1788 in Wilkes Co.

7. William Bush, born 19 August, 1791 Wilkes Co. and died 12 October, 1873, Laurens Co., GA.

8. Hardy Bush, born 21 July, 1793 Wilkes Co. died 12 October, 1793, Wilkes Co.

9. Jane Smith Bush, born and died 1794

10. David Blackshear Bush, born 1796 Wilkes Co., died in Shelby Co. AL., about 1855

11. Zilpha Bush, born 26 November, 1798, Wilkes Co., died 1859 Harris Co., GA. She married in 1817 to Wm M Baker in Harris Co.

12. Susannah Bush, born 30 November, 1800 Wilkes Co., and died 1875, Wilkes Co. She first married a Franck and (2) Eldridge Kemp.

13. Pheriby H. Bush, born 30 December, 1805, Wilkes Co.; died 1870, Wilkes Co.

William Martin Bush
Son of William Hardy Bush

William Martin Bush was born 3 February, 1755 in Jones Co., NC, and died February 18, 1799 in Jones Co., NC. He married Penelope Lane 1781 in Jones Co., NC., daughter of Levin Lane and Penelope Bryan

William Martin Bush was a Revolutionary Soldier and served from the District of New Bern, NC. He was a Lieutenant and was one of the officers "deranged at the end of the war", North Carolina SR. Volume 18, page 449 & 486. After the war he was sheriff of Jones Co. NC. for several years.

Children of William M and Penelope are:

1. William Lane Bush, born 1782 Jones Co. NC. and died 1825 Jones Co.
2. Levin Bush, born 1786 Jones Co. died 1810 at sea
3. Penelope Bush, born 1788 Jones Co. NC.
4. Hardy Bush, born 1789 Jones Co. and died 1814. He married 1 October, 1795 Craven Co. NC., to Sarah A Clark.

5. Mary M Bush born 22 December, 1790 Jones Co., died 1864 in Marengo Co., AL. She married James R. Bryan.

6. Lewis Bryan Bush, born 1795 Jones Co.,died 1 October, 1870 Marengo Co. AL.
7. Nathan B. Bush, born 23 March, 1799 Jones Co., NC. and 15 October, 1844, Marengo Co. AL.

Nathan married Mary Harrison. Their children are:

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