The early Marriages of Marion Co. will be included into "All" Marion Co. Marriages 1812 Marriages
Index in no special order.
Marriage Record Book A 1812 Marriages of Marion Co. MS.
Brown, Moses and Nancy Perkins marriee 07 August, 1812
Cooper, Hamilton and Elizabeth Stephens married 30 November, 1812
Dunkley, Richard and Martha Cooper married 02 November 1812
Gilbert, John and Morning Barksdale married 13 October, 1812
Smith, Isham and Elizabeth Reese married 24 June, 1812
Sparks, Richard and Elizabeth Cooper married 07 July, 1812
Tolar, Henry and Gatsey Magee married 01 December, 1812
1813 Marriages of Marion Co. MS. Marriage Book A
Akin, John and Ellender Bond married 17 May, 1813, consent by parents John and Mary Bond.
Allgood, Wyatt and Polly Smith married 16 October, 1813
Andrews, James Jr. and Jemima McGraw married 14 June, 1813
Bailey, James and Sarah Walden married 20 October, 1813
Bond, Robert and Judith Thompson married 20 October, 1813 consent by her father, John Thompson.
Brasil, Isham and Elizabeth Scarbrough married 04 September, 1813
Chaney, James and Margaret Jones married 12 June, 1813 consent by her father, Michael Jones.
Chestnut, David C. and Sarah Miles married 29 November, 1813
Donaho, William and Lucy Addison married 08 December, 1813
Edwards, John of Amite Co. MS. and Martha Stephens married 05 October, 1813
Felder, Peter, Jr. and Lyda Low married 31 May 1813
Gordon, James and Mary Strother married 29 October, 1813
Harper, Miles Rev. and Samatha Ford married 10 March, 1813, consent by her father John Ford
Kennedy, Nathan and Kitty Carpenter married 16 October, 1813
Magee, Robert and Margaret Graves married 11 November, 1813, consent by her father, John Graves.
McElveen, Moses and Eliza Hall married 17 February, 1813
McGuffer and Nancy Watson married 07 January, 1813 consent by her father, William Watson.
Merritt, Flippin and Polly Prestage married 19 February, 1813
Middleton, Robert and Elizabeth Mores married 23 May, 1813
Pleasant, Washington and Rachel Jones married 29 November, 1813 Consent by her father, Benjamin Jones.
Savage, Arthur and Olly Ellis married 23 October, 1813, consent by her father, John Ellis.
Summerall, Jesse and Chickney Sumrall married 12 June, 1813 consent by her Mother, Agnes Sumrall.
Waterhouse, John I. And Sarah Lott married 26 April, 1813 consent by her guardin, William Lott.
Williams, Reuben and Ellender Walden married 31 August, 1813
Beasley, Lucy married Duck, Ephraim on 18 May 1814 1814 Marriages
Beauchamp, Nancy married Magee, George on 02 May 1814
Birge, Drury married Roberts, Sarah on 03 Apr 1814
Blue, Daniel married Riley, Mary on 02 Mar 1814
Broddy, William married Dikes, Lucy on 14 Dec 1814
Bullock, David married Mannin, Susanna on 27 Feb 1814
Burnet, James married Ford, Winney on 27 Jun 1814
Davis, Clemon married Shilling, Jenny on 13 Mar 1814
Drake, Britain married Graves, Rebecca on 04 Oct 1814
Goldman, William married Sumerall, Nancy on 31 Oct 1814
Graves, James married Holliday, Sarah on 26 Oct 1814
Isle, Nancy married Thompson, Archibald on 12 Jun 1814
Jackson, Wiley married Robinson, Mary on 15 Sep 1814
Jones, Mary married Wright, Reuben on 23 Jun 1814
Lee, Alex married May, Maryan on 01 Feb 1814.
Low, Joseph married Mills, Martha on 28 Nov 1814
Low, Rebecca married White, David on 26 Mar 1814
Lowe, Frederick married Strother, Aby on 22 Oct 1814
Magee, Solomon married Weathersby, Elizabeth on 24 Nov 1814
Mcdonald, John married Mcelvenn, Margaret on 14 Jun 1814
Prestrige, Lucy married Summer, Owen on 03 Jun 1814
Pendaris, Katherine married Rutlin, Asa on 09 Nov 1814
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