In the household was his wife, Rebecca Rocha, who was an Choctow Indian female. He was born in South Carolina in or about 1796. From pictures that I possess you can see the Indian hertiage.
Both Hannon and his wife Rebecca are buried in Johnson cemetery in Wade, MS. No dates on their grave markers.
It is believed that Nancy Jones who married Joseph Parker is the oldest child born to Hannon and Rebecca or the daughter of Rebecca. She was born in 1821 LA
Children of Hannon and Rebecca, four known if there were more, I do not know who they were!
1. Nancy Jones born 1820 LA. m. Joseph Parker
2. Merrill Jones born 1822 MS m. Catherine Graham
3. William H. Jones born 1824 MS. m. Amanda b. SC
4. Merdith Jones born 1826 MS m. Tomsin Goff