Son Of John

Thomas Goff, the second son born to John Goff of Duplin was born 1754 Edgecombe Co. North Carolina. It was about this time that John moved to Duplin Co., with his wife and son, John and settled on Rockfish.

Thomas was the proven son of John by his father's will that was written 20th of February, 1809 and proven eleven months later, in the January term of Court.

Thomas Goff was a Revolutionary Soldier, as were his father and two brothers. No death date has been established for Thomas, therefore it is thought Thomas died before 1832 as he never applied for a pension. Far as known, Thomas never moved from Duplin/Sampson Co. I have never found any record to prove otherwise.

Thomas and Tomsin owned land both in Duplin and Sampson Co. They lived near her mother, Mary Price Mathis who was a widow for many years.

Thomas was one of three children of John Goff who married children of Edmund Mathis/Matthew. He married Tomsin Mathis who was named Tomsin for her grandmother Tomsin Price. She was born in Duplin Co. and is proven the daughter of Edmund by his will.

Not a lot of family history has been found on the family of Thomas. Nor a complete list of his children been found. Two of his sons has been proven by the Carter/Goff/Mizelle letters written from Jackson Co., Mississippi to a relative (Susannah Carter Griffin) in Georgia. Cyril Cain who published "Four Centuries on The Pascagoula" list William son of Thomas as a son of William. William's children were proven by their grandfather Goff's "Love Deed". Also, according to the late James Goff of Hurley, MS., he was a descendant of Thomas Goff.

The two sons are are William and Edmund Goff who lived in Jackson Co. and lived among near the children of William Goff and the Carter's.

Known children of Thomas and Tomsin Mathis Goff are listed in no particular order.

1. WilliamGoff married Naomi Carter and lived in Jackson Co. MS.

2. Edmund Goff married Cassandra Carter and lived in Jackson Co. MS.

3. Mary Goff may have married Moses Blanton, brother to David that married Nancy Goff. Mary married Moses, 16 October, 1810.

4. Civil Goff married John Bray. This Civil Goff is believed the Civil who was in bastardy Court for having an illigimate child, by Newton. This child born about 1796 is thought to be David Goff who was in Jackson Co. MS., and will be assigned to Civil until otherwise proven incorrect.

5. Nancy Goff who married David Blanton.
If you have any information on the Bray or Blanton families please email me.

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