John Goff, the eldest son of John Goff was born 1752 in Edgecombe Co. NC. His parents moved to Duplin Co. NC. in 1755 where John Sr. had several land grants.
He was a Revolutionary Soldier from Duplin Co. He entered the service as a volunteer in NC., and was a Sgt. when he first served under Captain Frederick Wells. He was later appointed ensign under Captain Aaron Williams, also of Duplin. There are about 25 pages on microfilm of his service in his pension file.
John married a neighbors daughter, Elizabeth Herring who was born about 1754 in NC. and this is where they lived and raised their children of eight. John had land grants on the waters of Rock Fish. He was a wheel wright by trade and oftern the courts would make him guardian to orphans boys too learn the trade. One such boy was Isaac Newton.
John and Elizabeth were of the Baptist faith, and members of bull tail Baptist Church in 1805. The Church was located on the Duplin and Sampson Co. Line and in 1835 changed the name to Wells Chapel.
John had a long life span. He died at the age of 93 years in 1845 in Telfair Co. GA. In the 1820 census of Telfair he states he was engaged in agriculture. Elizabeth died nine years after she moved to Georgia with her family, she died in 1819.
John lived with various relatives after 1820. He had many neices and nephews, children of Frederick and Arrabica Williams and the children of Civil Mathis James, all lived in Telfair. John's son, William Cooper of Madison Co. FL. would come to Georgia and get his father, take him to Florida, only for John to go back to Telfair.
The last letter written concering his pension was dated 1845. The 1784-87 State Census of NC. shows John had a son and two daughters, by 1790 Federal census he had another son and daughter. By 1800 he had three sons and four daughters.
1. Jennie Goff eldest daughter was born 10 March, 1776 Duplin Co. She died 15 July, 1831 in Duplin. She is buried in Sheffield Cemetery. She married Lincoln Sheffield born 9 April, 1775 NC. and died 10 August, 1869. He was an orphan son of Isom and Barbara Sheffield. Only one son is known born to this couple.
A. John Boney Sheffield, born 10 August, 1818 NC. and died 9 February, 1881 NC. He married Margaret Hart 1821-1887. They had son, Lincoln LaFayette Sheffield.
2. Thomas Goff, born 1778 Duplin Co. died probably in Jackson Co. FL. He is found on the 1826 Tax digest of Jackson Co.
3. John Goff born 1780 Duplin Co. died in 1837 in Oglethrope Co. GA. He married Mary Elizabeth Williams, born 1795 NC, and died 1847 in Commerce, TX.
4. James A. Goff born 1795 Duplin Co. married Mary ? of NC. About 1820 they moved from NC to Lowdnes Co. GA. then Madison Co. FL.
5. William Cooper Goff, born 1800 Duplin Co. died in 1861 in the Civil War. He married Jincy Woods born 1805 GA.
6. Nancy Goff probably the youngest daughter born about 1790 Duplin Co. married 20 November, 1811 Duplin Co. to David Blanton.
For more on this family see "Goff and Allied Families" Volume 1, by Melba Goff Allen.