It is known that David was from the family of John Goff of Duplin Co. NC. Not only did he arrive with other Goff's from NC., but he named two of his chilren the unusaual name of Tomsin and Civil. The only Tomsin Goff is the wife of Thomas Goff. So, it has been assumed all along that he had to fit into that family. Yet, he was too young to be their child.
Many years ago when I was doing research at North Carolina State Archives, I found a document that led me to believe that David Goff was a grandson of Thomas and Tomsin Mathis Goff. I have hesitated to print this find, but I feel now is the time. Mabry some one can produce more evidence to prove this true.
Civil Goff, daughter of Thomas and Tomsin Mathis Goff was in Bastardy Court in the January 1809 term for having an illigimate child. The following was from Duplin Co. Court Minutes. Civil Goff came before the court and prayed to be allowed from out of the estate of Jacob Newton, deceased, the sum of 5 lbs. for lying in expenses on having a bastard child which upon oath she charges Jacob Newton with being the father. This child was born about 1796 same time as David.
Bill of Sale: Jacob Newton, to son Thomas David for a negro boy, acknowledged; ordered registered. However, when zeroxed the page, later I discovered there was no date on the page.
David Goff was born 22 February, 1796 NC. He died 13 June, 1845 Jackson Co. MS. David married Marilla Pickett, born 22 June, 1805 NY and daughter of Daniel Pickett Sr. Marilla is buried in the reorganized Latter Day Saints Church in Escatawpa, MS. One can believe she is buried beside her husband. This is the lineage of my late mother-in law, Mary Louella Young Allen. She never knew the name of her great grand father.
David and Marilla were the parents of ten children.
1. Arnold Lawrence Goff born June 1825 Jackson Co. MS.
2. Ann Olive Goff, born 9 March, 1828 Jackson Co. MS.
3. Tomsin Goff born 8 May, 1831 Jackson Co. MS.
4. Daniel Goff born 2 May, 1833 Jackson Co.
5. Sarah Goff born 12 October, 1835 Jackson Co.
6. Civil Goff born 18 December, 1837 Jackson Co.
7. David Goff born 14 September, 1839 Jackson Co.
8. Nancy Goff born 25 December, 1842 Jackson Co.
9. Ellis Goff born 25 December, 1842 Jackson Co.
10. Albert Goff born posthoumus,7 Februray, 1846 Jackson Co.
These names and dates was taken from FAmily Bible.
1. Arnold Goff 1825, died January 1896 MS. He married 20 March,1849 married Nancy Wheeler, born 1824 AL. Four children.
a. Burissa Goff, born 1850
b. Davis or David Goff, born 1852
c. Robert Goff, born 1855
d. Eran Goff, born 1857
e. Ellen Goff, born 1860
2. Ann Olive Goff married Robert Tucker
3. Tomsin Goff married Merdith Jones
4. Thomas Daniel Goff 1833 MS. died in the Civil War. He married Sarah Hamilton and had one son. Widow Sarah married (2) John Rufus Parker.
a. Calvin "Jarve" Goff, born 6 February, 1859 married 1879 to Susan "Sudie" Ward, born 1860 Jackson Co.
5. Sarah Goff 1835 married James Ware.
6. Civil Goff 1837 married Meredith Jones
7. David Goff 1839 married Ellen Clarabine.
b. Lyman C. Goff born 1869 m. Ida Lou Priest
c. James Goff born 1873
d. Harietta Goff born 1876
e. Wesley W. Goff born 1878
f. Herman L. Goff born 1880
g. Alvin E. Goff born 1882
8. Nancy Goff 1842 married Bryant Columbus Rice
9. Ellis Goff 1842 married
10. Albert Goff 1846-1914 married Drusilla Forehand, born 13 July, 1853 AL. Daughter of Isaac and Martha Entriken Forehand.