Combest and Cumbest

Baptismal Records

The Baptismal records gives proof to the Children of Simon Cumbest and their grand parents.

The following was taken from the Mobile Catholic Baptisms Records Located in Montgomery, AL.

1. Caterina Cumbest/Kop, May 1801 solemnized at Pascagoula, house of Madame Krebs. Born 11 march, 1798, daughter of Simon Cumbest, native of Carolina and Maria Heva KOP, native of Fitzland of Alemana. Paternal grandparents, Tomas Cumbest and Elizabeth Stone Maternal Grandparents, Jacob Kop and Margarita Molnes. Godparent's Juan Antoine Ellies and Maria Catalina Dupont. Signed Vaugeois

2. Elizabeth Cumbest/KopOP, May 1801 Don Juan Francisco Vaugeois, Parish Priest of De La Concepcion De La Mobile, ceremonies of Baptism solemnized at Pascagoula, house of Madam Krebs. Elizabeth, born February 1, 1790. Daughter of Simon Cumbest, native of Carolina and Heva Kop, native of Fitzland, Alemana. Paternal Grandparents, Tomas Cumbest and Elizabeth Stone Maternal Grandparents, Jacob Kop and Ana Margarita Molnes Godparents, John Baptiste Ellies, Madalena Durif, and Augustin Krebs.

3. Madalena Cumbest/Kop, May 10, 1801 Don Juan Francisco Vaugeois, Parish Priest of DeLa Concepcion De La mobile, Baptism solemnized at Pascagoula at house of Madame Krebs. Born 10, May, 1795 daughter of Simon Cumbest, native of Carolina and Maria Heva Kop, native of Fitzland Alemana. Named Madalena Sara. Paternal Grandparent's Tomas Cumbest and Elizabeth Stone Maternal Grand parent's Jocob Kop and Ana Margarita Molnes Godparents, Jose La Prate and Madalena Krebs

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