Robert Allen of New Kent Co. Virginia. There has been so much stated and written about Robert Allen of New Kent. I am going to use the best record available to determine his descendants. If you have any early will from VA., please donate and they will be posted here. Credit given.
Robert Allen may be a descendant of Thomas Allen who came on the ship "Ark" from Gravesend, England in 1633 to Maryland. Thomas had three son as proven by his will, William, Robert and Thomas. Robert was born before 1672 as he is listed as a tithable in 1698 in New Kent.
Robert was married at least twice. The first wife was Elizabeth as shown by the birth records in St Peter's Parish when their three sons were born. The second wife's name was Sarah. This Sarah the second wife is not Sarah Watson, sister to Elizabeth the first wife or Robert. Sarah was already married to an (unknown) Allen when her mother Elizabeth Walker made her will in 1726. At this time Elizabeth was still living.
The will of Robert Allen is given to show who his children were: One son was not named in the will, but proven by a love deed.
Will of Robert Allen, Jr. was dated June 9, 1782 and proved March 10, 1784.
After all just debts are paid, all movable estate to my wife, Hannah during her life of widowhood; likewise land to my wife with maintenance during her life and the girl named Charlotte to Lucy McKissack, wife of Thomas McKissack at my wife's death.
I give to Josiah Allen my grandson, son of Drury Allen, the land and plantation wheron I now live, with two negro children named James and Abbegal
My grandson, Josiah, above mentioned, to have 240 acres with the aforesaid plantation and the remainder to my son, Drury Allen, with the part he now lives on, with a negro man named Charles. I likewise give to my grandson Josiah two cows and calves, my riding horse and a briddle and saddle.
I give to my daughter Elizabeth Hudson one of the beds and furniture what belongs with it...(illegible)
As to remaining part of my cattle, sheep, hogs and horses to Drury Allen. I leave to my daughter Agnes Williams?
I desire that the negro boy named Pete be left in care of Drury; Allen until the present troubles of America be settled and then to be given to Sarah Moody. Said Drury Allen is to run no rest of the boy's life nor the sons of the boy any way. Said Moody to pay at the time of delivery of the boy all the back taxes.
I desire that Thomas McKissack pay the taxes of the within negro girl from the time of my decease till he takes her away and I desire the wench named Dadens to be given to my daughter Agnes at the decease or marriage of my wife Hannah Allen.
I give to my son Drury Allen the smith tools and all belonging thereunto. Likewise, I give my daughter Elizabeth Hudson my large bible.
To Drury Allen all my lumber, and movables to be left to my grandson Josiah at the decease of my wife.
I do constitute and appoint Drury Allen and Josiah Allen my executors.
1. Robert Allen Jr. born before 1710, proven by a deed Hanover Co. in 1735.
2. Benjamin Allen proven by St Peter's records, born 1711
3. Joseph Allen proven by St Peter's records, born 1711 (twin)
4. Drury Allen proven by St Peter's records, born 1714
5.William Allen proven by a joint deed with Drury, NC., 1758
6. Richard Allen proven by deed from his father in 1754
7. Judah Allen, proven by St Peter's records, born 31 September, 1724
8. Anne Allen, proven by St Peter's records, born 16 April, 1726
9. Jacoby Allen, proven by St Peter's records, born 16 July, 1728
10 Margaret Allen, proven by St Peter's records, born 22 April, 1734
11 Agnes Allen proven by family Bible, and estate records.
Looking for any early Wills of New Kent Co. You will be given credit for your donation of wills or family histories