Richard Allen

Of NC,TN,AL,and MS

Who are the parents of Richard Allen? There are several individuals who are researching this line. Any additional information will be appreciated

Richard Allen born 1768 North Carolina and died in Lexington, MS. either in December, 1839 or the first part of 1840. His will was admitted to probate Court, May Term 1840 by one of the subscribing witness, Thomas B. Walters.

Richard married Mary Braxton and lived in Dickson Co. TN. In 1819 the family left TN., and moved south to Marengo Co. AL. This was a short stay of about three years in Marengo Co. before they moved Northwest into Madison Co. MS., from there they moved in 1838 to Attala Co. MS.,

Mary died prior to 1835 when Richard married for the second time to Jane Foster 1 September, 1835 in Madison Co. MS.

The will of Richard Allen was posted on Madison County, Mississippi.

See the will of Richard Allen

Known Children of Richard Allen are:

1. Wesley G Allen born Dickson Co. TN.
2. Edmund Allen, born Dickson Co. TN
3. Gabriel Allen born in Dickson Co. TN
4. William H. Allen born 20 November, 1789 TN
5. Jacob Allen born 24 May, 1793 TN.
6. Bennett R. Allen married Mary Herrod
7. Elizar Allen married Sion Sanders 16 August, 1832 Madison Co. MS.
8. Rebecca Allen married Elisha Turnage, 2 August, 1830 Madison Co. MS.
9. Dorothy Allen born 1807 TN. married a James Martin

Gabriel Allen
Son of Richard Allen

Gabriel Allen was born in TN., and came to AL., with his father.

He married Margaret probably in AL., as their eldest child was born in that State.

Their children are:

1. William Allen born about 1818 Marengo Co., AL., married Elizabeth ?
2. Emeline Allen born 4 May, 1822 Marengo Co., AL., married Robert Foster November 1844 Madison Co., MS.

They had 10 children: