Allen, John, 1656, by Vincent Stanford, Co. (blank) Allen, Judith, 1649, by Robert Mosely, Gent., Co. (blank) Allen, Edward, 1635, by McWilliam Stone, Co. (blank) Allen, Edward, 1656, by John Wood, Co. (blank) Allen, Elizabeth, 1650, by John Landman, Co. (blank) Allen, George, 1650, by Capt. Moore Fantleroy, Co.(blank) Allen, George, 1654, by Geo. Wyre, John Gillet, Andrew Gilson and John Phillips, Co. (blank) Allen, James, 1646, by Lancaster Levilt, Co (blank) Allen, James, 1643, by Thomas Glascocke, Co. (blank) Allen, John, 1652, by Mr. Tho. Curtis, Co. (blank) Allen, Thomas 1649, by Capt. Ralph Wormeley, Co. (blank) Allen, Rose, 1650, by Wingfield Webb and Richard Pate. Allen, Thomas 1649, by Capt. Ralph Wormeley, Co. (blank) Allen, Valentine, 1650, by John Catlett and Ralph Rousey, Co.(blank) Allen, Ant., 1653, by Francis Grey, Charles City Co. Allen, Fra., 1653, by Ferdinando Austin, Charles City Co. Allen, Teague, 1653, by Fernando Austin, Charles City Co. Allen, John, 1639, by Edward Prince, Charles City. Allen, Katherine, 1650, by Daniell Luellin, Charles City Co. Allen, Teague, 1653, by Fernando Austin, Charles City Co. Allen, Charles, 1638, by Hugh Allen, Charles River Co. Allen, William, 1638, by John Clarkson, Charles River Co. Allen, Hugh, 1638, by Hugh Allen, Charles River Co. Allen, Charles (son of Hugh Allen), 1638, by Hugh Allen, Charles River Co. Allen, William 1656, by Humphrey Tabb, Gent., Elizabeth City Co. Allen, Patrick, 1653, by Jno. Hansford, Gloucester Co. Allen, Rose, 1653, by John Levistone, Gloucester Co. Allen, Robert, 1653, by John Madison, Gloucester Co. Allen, William 1653, by Mr. Richard Barnhouse, Jr., Gloucester Allen, Mary, 1635, by Robert Hollom, Henrico. Allen, Oliver, 1636, by Hannah Boyse, Henrico Co. Allen, Oliver, 1637, by Hannah Boyes, Henrico Co. Co. Allen, John, 1652, by Tho. Greenwood, Isle of Wight Co. Allen, Francis, 1643, by William Ewins, James City Co. Allen, John, 1636, by William Rookens, James City Co. Allen, John, 1638, by Wm. Rookins, James City Co. Allen, Robert, 1638, by Mr. Thomas Wallis, James City Co. Allen, Thomas 1656, by Nicholas Merriwether and John Leach, James City Co. Allen, William, 1640, by Robert Holt, James City Co. Allen, William, 1650, by Mr. Robert Holt, James City Co. Allen, James, 1653, by Toby Horton, Lancaster Co. Allen, Mary, 1648, by Job. Chanler, Lower Norfolk Co. Allen, Grego., 1648, by George White, Lower Norfolk Co. Allen, Richard, 1649, by Henry Woodhouse, Lower Norfolk Co. Allen, Hezekiel, 1652, by Thomas Teakle, Northampton Co. Allen, John, 1643, by Phillipp Taylor, Northampton, Co. Allen, Margaret, 1655, by South Littleberry, Northampton Co. Allen, Nichols, 1653, by Peter Knight, Northumberland Co. Allen, Richard, 1653, by Elias Hartru, Northampton Co. Allen, John, 1651, by Geo. Trahett and Henry Edwards, Northampton Co. Allen, Thomas, 1651, by Joseph Hayes, Gent. York Co. Allen, William 1653, by Mr. Wm. Baldwin, York Co. Allen, Charles, 1651, by Edward Deggs, Esq., York, Co. Allin, James, 1651, by James Allen, NorthCumberland Co. Allin, Thos., 1655, by Mrs. Margaret Brent, Lancaster Co. Allin, Edward, 1644, by John Hill, Gent., Upper Norfolk Co. Allin, William 1638, by Robt. Holt and Richard Bell, James City Co.