The family of Hugh Allen has been researched by David Snow. If you have any information on this family, please email David
Hugh Allen about 1803 in NC. If you know who his parents, siblings were will you please share with others?
It appears that Hugh married before he came to Sumter Co. AL. The name of his wife was Martha Barker?. Hugh may be from the Allens who were from Anson Co. North Carolina.
There is a Hugh B Allen listed in the 1830 census for Anson Co. NC., page 083 which is thought to be Hugh who came to AL.
By 1840 Census he has removed from Anson Co. and is listed on the 1840 Census in Sumter Co. AL., page 084.
1850 census for Choctaw Co. AL., page 199 house 701.
Hugh Allen age 47 born NC. planter
Hugh patented land in Sumter Co. and later Choctaw Co. in 1837. This land was adjacent to land patented by Joseph Allen and his sons Thomas G. and Amon in 1831, 1835, and 1837. Hugh B Allen and wife Martha, of Choctaw Co. sold this land to Gains Whitfield July 5, 1853 for $400 and the deed is recorded in Marengo Co Deed Book P page 76
Since this search is to find the parents of Hugh Allen, one might use these clues. If anyone has proof that these relatives are connected to Hugh Allen, it would be nice to let others who are researching this line know of the relationship.
An article on William Allen listed in the Perry Co. AL., Heritage
Book, submitted by Eleanor C Drake of Uniontown, AL., states that William's parents were James Allen III and Sarah Heit who lived in Anson Co NC and later moved to AL.
William Allen was born Jan 9, 1809, in Anson Co , North Carolina, and died in Perry Co, AL on April 22, 1874. His siblings included Hugh who married (Martha) Patsy Barker, James married a Pond, John Darlen married Martha Lee Petrie, Thomas, Joseph, Sarah who married her fifth cousin, Richmond Allen, Mary who married Simeon McClendon, and Louisa."
Children of Hugh Allen and Martha are:
1. John Javie Allen, born 16 February, 1830, NC; died 14 February, 1883, Choctaw Co., AL.
2. Thomas W Allen, born about 1835, AL.
Martha Allen age 35 born NC.
John Allen age 19 born NC.
Thomas Allen age 15 born AL.
Ivin? Allen age 12 born AL. (male)
Coat? Allen age 03 born AL.
John G Allen household is house 700.
There is an H.B. Allen listed in the 1860 CC census aged 56, born NC page 507. I'm not sure if this is the same person or not. This record is in the Desotoville district whereas Hugh above was listed next to John G Allen in 1850 and John G is recorded in the MT Sterling district in 1860.
3. Ivan Allen, born about 1838, Choctaw Co., AL
4. Sarah Allen married Drury Dunn (2) John Dunn and lived in TX
5. Daughter married Mr. McDaniel.
6. Daughter married D J Dunn.
John Javie Allen was born 16 February, 1830 in NC; and died 14 February, 1883 in Choctaw Co., AL. He is buried in Allen Cemetery, Rudder Hill, AL.
He married 24 January, 1866 to Martha Anne Cochran, born 1 November, 1848; and the daughter of James Cochran and Ann Lanier. A family Bible states her name as Martha Alwilda Cochran. She is buried in Allen Cemetery
Martha the widow of John states in her pension application that John was a private in Co. C 54 AL Inf. and that he enlisted at Thompkinsville, AL. in 1861. He was captured at Island 10, and was discharged at the end of the war.
Martha was living with her son JJ in April 14, 1921
Children of John Allen and Martha Cochran are:
1. Cora Bell Allen, born January 22, 1868
2. Margaret Eugine Allen, born February 1870
3. James Hugh Allen, born 01 May, 1871
4. William E Allen, born 15 March, 1873
5. Alto Forest Allen, born 14 March, 1875
6. Johnnie I Allen, born 27 June, 1877
7. Watters Vivian Allen, born 10 February, 1879; 22 July, 1941 Choctaw Co., AL.
8. Martha (Mollie) Allen, born 17 April, 1881
9. Javie Jones Allen born 31 August, 1883
Another matter in Inventory Book A p616 is a petition by Richmond Allen to sell property held jointly with Uriah Dunn. The matter extends to Bk B p129,130,201, and 317-319. It states that Uriah Dunn is the son of Sarah A Dunn and Drury Dunn (dec'd). She remarried to John A Dunn. The land in question exempted to her and Uriah from the estate of Drury Dunn. Sarah and John later sold her interest in the land to Richmond Allen; Bk A p640. J J Allen was assigned as guardian for the interests of Uriah Dunn.
Alto Forest Allen was born 14 March, 1875 Choctaw Co. AL. He married Annie Corrine Vaughan 6 May 16, 1904 in Choctaw Co, AL., daughter of James and Elmirs Hacklander.
Children of Alto Allen and Annie Vaughan are:
1. Vidma Allen
2. Eula Lee Allen
3. Claude Allen
4. Clarise Allen
5. Lois Allen
6. Myra Allen