Gray Allen

This is one of the Allen lines that is being researched and the lineage of Carol Allen wife of David Snow of Jachin, AL. If you have information on the Ancestors of Carol, your help would be greatly appreciated. Email address is:David Snow

Gray Allen was born 07 May, 1810 North Carolina and died 17 July, 1866 in Choctaw Co. AL. He married Mourning Proctor 30 November, 1833 Perry Co, AL

Children of Gray Allen and Mourning Proctor are:

1. William J Allen, born 1836
2. Martha A. Allen, born 1839
3. John Eldred Allen, born 15 January, 1845 AL.
4. Benjamin Allen, born 1846; died 1866
5. Hugh (or Herin) Allen, born 1848
6. David Turner Allen, born 1849. He married Betty Wimberly.
7. Laura Allen, born 1852. She married Wainright
8. Wiley G Allen, born 1856.
9. Mary E. Allen, born 1858
10 Charley McRee Allen, born 01/24/1859; died 11/17/1929
11 N.D. Allen, born 1860

John Eldred Allen
Son of Gray Allen

John Eldred Allen was born 15 January, 1845 and died 09 November, 1920 in Choctaw Co. AL. He is buried Mt Sterling Baptist Church Cemetery. He was a CSA soldier and served with Co. F 4oth AL. Inf. John married Missouri Caroline "Carrie" Whitted, daughter of Moses Whitted and Amelia Weir.

Children of John and Carrie Allen