Felix Allen
Pike Co. Mississippi

Felix Allen born about 1795 listed on the 1850 census of Pike Co., MS., that he was born in TN., but he is believed to have been born in North Carolina

The Mississippi Census of Pike County in 1860, states Felix Allen owned 25 Slaves.

He was married three times: (1) to Catherine Williamson that died in 1817. They had three Children

1. Chestein Allen born 1813
2. Catherine Allen born 1816
3. Elizabeth Allen born about 1817, from this approximate date of birth, Catherine probably died in childbirth.

Felix married (2) to Olivia Mourning McGehee, born about 1810 in MS., and died 1858.

4. Rosaline or Rosalind Ann Allen born September 24, 1836 died Before 1907; married John C. Leggett born March 13, 1832 in MS., died about 1900. They are buried at the Emminence Methodist Church Cemetery in Covington Co., MS.

5. Jane Ann Allen born about 1837
6. Letitia "Lettie" Allen, born 1839; died 1854; married John Houston
7. Felix (Bud) Lafayette Allen, Jr., died in Civil War
8. William McGehee Allen born about 1833 married his first cousin; Julia Elizabeth McGehee who died March 21, 1862. one child to this marriage Olivia "Ola" Mourning Allen born 1856.

Felix married the third time at the age of 67 to a 17 year old lady named Melissa Ann Whitehead, and had one child.

Felix Walter Allen.

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