Son of Thomas Goff

WILLIAM GOFF, Son of Thomas and Tomsin Goff was born 1781 Duplin Co. North Carolina. William moved south into Georgia when the family movement left Duplin Co. William may have been one of the first Goff's to move as he was in Bullock Co. by 14 October, 1807 when he married Naomi Carter, daughter of Matthew and Cassandra.

William had two children, when he left Bulloch Co. for the Mississippi Territory in 1811. When he applied for a passport to travel safely through the Creek Indian Nations. It was for himself, a wife and two children. There were many from the families of Carter's, Goff's, Denmark's, Pool's and other related families moving westward.

From a letter written from Matthew Carter, Sr., to his son-in-law, Griffin Mizelle in Bullock Co. dated June 11, 1811. In five weeks and 2 days we arrived at Chickashay without loss or disappointment. We expect in a few days to set out for Pascagoula, where I have chosen me a place and there expect to settle myself, son William and William Goff all near together. This letter tells how long it took them to travel to the Territory and who was with them. A son Matthew went on to Pearl River looking for a place to live, but he will return without he likes it extraordinary well. Matthew did return and lived in the same area as his father and other relatives.

The following was written by Naomi Carter Goff to her sister Susannah, dated 7 March, 1813.

After my kind love and compliments to you I have to inform you that we are all well at present, thanks be to God for it. Hoping these lines will find you in the same.

Sister, we are a long ways apart and it grieves my heart to think of you. I should be glad as brother Griffin would come here. I don't think he would be sorry. If I had my dear sister and her family and a few more, I would be satisfied.

We have no preaching with us and I am sorry for it, but I hope you will remember me in your prayers. We have another son and we call him Wiley. Your loving sister, Naomi Goff.

In another letter written 16 October, 1825 by Matthew Carter, he states that sister, Naomi has a daughter and names it after herself.

Now to a letter dated, April 3, 1831. You requested me in your last letter to give you a more particular account of Sister Noami's sickness and death which was as follows.

They had moved sometime before on the west side of the Pascagoula where he had bought a tract of land and settled where they were nearly surrounded with water in the time of a freshet. This I believe was the cause of her sickness.

Brother William, herself and youngest child was all taken sick about the same time. She was I think taken sick on Sunday and the next Sunday I heard from them, I felt very uneasy and told my wife if I lived to see Monday morning I would go and see them but the same day their son Matthew put them in a cart and brought them over the River intending to come to my house but she could not. They got within three miles to one of his brother's and sent for me and brother William.

We went and found her quite senseless an almost helpless but in a short time her fever abated and she came to her senses. We stayed until nearly day the next morning, brother William went very early to assist them to his house. As soon as they came I went to see her. She appeared to almost clear of a fever and walked several times across the house but in a short time her fever returned with more violence than ever, which in a short time deprived her of senses again. This was on Monday about one O'clock; from that time she spoke no more.

She lay in this condition until Wednesday evening when she breathed her last without a struggle or a groan. Brother Goff is living at the same place with his little children and doing well. His eldest daughter is a fine worthy girl and provides well for the children.

William Goff married the second time in 1832 to Sarah Black born North Carolina and the daughter of Malcolm Black. Sarah and William had two children, it is not known what happened to Sarah if she died, divorced or moved away.

William Goff married the third time about 1842 to Madelin Phoal Cumbest, widow of John Cumbest. Madeline is listed on the 1850 census of Jackson County as is, William. They had one daughter, Nancy who was born 1844. Cyril Cain had listed Nancy as the daughter of Sarah Black, but this is not true, as Nancy Goff was an heir to her mother's Madelin Cumbest Goff estate. This mistake was found when I was researching the Cumbest material for the Simon Cumbest family book.

Known children of William Goff and Naomi Carter Goff.

1. Matthew Goff, born 1808 Georgia.
2. Wiley Goff, born 1813
3. David Goff, born 1816 Ms., bled to death in 1827.
4. Susannah Goff, died young
5. William Goff, born 1822 Ms., married Althea Cochran.
6. Naomi Goff, born 1825 Ms.
7. James A. Goff born 1827, married Lydia Gray.
8. Jincy Goff, born ??, died 19 January, 1833 in a boating accident.

Children of William Goff and Sarah Black
9. John H. Goff, born 1834 Ms., was killed in the Civil War, 24 November, 1863 at Look Out Mountain
10. Sarah Goff, born 1838, died 1862 Jackson Co. Ms. She married Seaborn Wilson.They had three children.

Only one child born to William and Madelin Cumbest Goff.

11. Nancy E. Goff, born 27 August, 1844 Jackson Co. She married Seaborn Wilson after the death of her half sister., Sarah. Wilson and Nancy had ten children. Nancy died 20 December, 1910.


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