Sons of Edmund Allen
Littlebury, Isham, Julius

This family is being researched and added as information is found. If you can add to this family, it would be appreciated and shared with others.

Littlebury Allen was the son of Edmund Allen and the grandson of Samual Allen. He died 1783 in VA.

Named in will of his brother, Isham Allen.

Littlebury lived in the County of Henrico and the state of Virginia. His wife was Elizabeth Turner, daughter of James Turner. Known children of Littlebury and Elizabeth are:

In Will book 1, 1781-1787 page 219 reveals that Littlebury left his wife Elizabeth during her natural life or widowhood the land whereon he lived containing 80 acres. He also left her seven slaves, and household items.

He named children as:

1. Richard Allen
2. Francis Wade; appears this is a female and married a Wade
3. Ann Allen married James Turner, who was Executor of Littlebury's will.
4. Edmund Allen who was deceased. Littlebury named his two children, Landrum and Martha as grandchildren, and children of his deceased son, Edmund.

Fleming Allen listed as one of four youngest
Littlebury Allen listed as one of four youngest
Sarah Allen listed as one of four youngest
Jenny Allen listed as one of four youngest

Isham Allen
Son of Edmund Allen

Isham Allen, son of Edmund Allen of Henrico Co. VA. Isham lived and raised his family in Henrico Co. His will was Dated 23 June, 1774.

He names wife Agnes to receive the bulk of his estate provided she raises his children, gives them board and education.

Others named in his will was his brother Littleberry Allen and his children:

1. Isham Allen
2. Mary Allen
3. Robert Allen
4. Jane Ann Allen
5. Christian Allen
6. George Allen
7. Susanna Williamson Allen, wife of James Price. Her father gives a slave to her for love and affection in 1754 and states Susanna Williamson Allen.

Executors are Brothers; Julius and James Allen, and Robert Spear. Witnesses: Richard Allen, Anderson Freeman, Jacob Childress.

Julius Allen
Son of Edmund Allen

Julius Allen, son of Edmund Allen lived in Henrico Co. VA.
His will is listed in book 1 page 278, dated 4 April, 1777 and was re-submitted in 1786 after being destroyed by the war. His neighbors William Lewis and Philip Mayo signed the re-submission in 1780 for the deceased Julius Allen's son John Allen.

He names his wife given as household items, slaves, stock and his plantation at Allen's Creek.

He names his children as:

1. Julius Allen
2. David Allen
3. Charles Allen
4. Elizabeth M. Allen, married 1781
5. John Allen

Son, Julius Allen was one of the executors of his father's will.

Charles Allen
Son of Julius Allen

Charles Allen, son of Julius named in will by his father is a younger Charles Allen than the Charles of Goochland and later Lundenburg Co. VA.

By his father's will he inherited "the rest of his father's land over the new road and House lot # 52 in Richmond, VA.

Charles Allen moved to Mecklenburg Co., VA. sometime around 1780 as Deed book 1, page 282 states Charles Allen formerly of Henrico and now of Mecklenburg Co.

Charles Allen's will dated 10 April, 1786 in Mecklenburg Co. VA., and was proved 25 June, 1792. He named one child in the will.

1. Achilles Allen to receive the entire estate.

If my son dies without heir, the estate to be equally divided between Lewis Buckner Allen, son of David Allen, and John Hunt son of Nathaniel Hunt. Executors were; my friend David Allen, Nathaniel Hunt, William Thompson, and Thomas Greenwood.

Julius Allen
Son of Julius Allen

John Allen son of Julius Allen, died before 1799. He was referred to as Major and perhaps was a veteran of the Revolutionary war. His will was dated 21 March, 1785 in Henrico Co. He sold land in 1780 adjacent to land his brother Charles Allen owned. Reference is made to an old grist mill.

John must not have married as he left his estate to relatives. He leaves his estate to the following individuals.

a. Allen Hunt, son of Nathaniel Hunt of Halifax Co., VA.
b. Achilles Allen, Nephew, son of Charles Allen of Mecklenburg Co.,
c. Lewis Buckner Allen, nephew and son of David Allen of Halifax Co. VA.
d. Martha Allen Neice, daughter of Julius Allen of Henrico Co.
e. Susannah Watlington daughter of John and Elizabeth Allen Watlington of Pittsylvania Co. I do not know how she fits in!"

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